
Learn why releasing the pain of the past is so difficult. You'll learn strategies to make letting go easier.

 Alternate Titles

●     Healing From Your Breakup

●     Healing From Hurts

●     How to Leave Your Last Relationship Behind and Find Joy Again

●     How to Let Go of Your Loss

●     Getting Past Emotional Trauma

●     Getting Past Betrayal

●     Breaking Up is Hard - How to Move Past The Trauma

●     Tame the Pain From Your Breakup and Live Again

●     Are You Stuck in a World of Hurt from Your Breakup? Free Yourself from the Pain

●     Breaking Free of Your Breakup



Everyone has been hurt in relationships. Few people are able to let that pain go so they can move on with their lives without the past mudding their joy.

People have a tendency to get caught in their anger and pain after they've been hurt. There are mental, emotional, and physical reasons why it is difficult to release this pain.

One area that can make it difficult to release the past is the misunderstanding of what forgiveness is. People often think forgiveness absolves the other person of anything that happened. You’ll discover this is incorrect.

Strategies and exercises to release the past range from recognizing your personal power, nurturing yourself, changing your thoughts, and discovering how to manage your feelings.


Bullet Points


In this course, you’ll learn:

●     Why forgiveness is crucial to your mental, emotional, and physical health

●     How childhood beliefs can interfere with releasing the past

●     You have the power within you to release the past

●     Forgiveness brings freedom

●     Strategies to assist you in forgiving and letting go


Are there requirements or prerequisites for this course?

There are no prerequisites for this course. It’s open to anyone who desires to know more about how to release the pain of the past.

Your success in this course depends on your ability to put the information into action. The information is simple, but understanding the information is insufficient. You have to be willing to do the exercises and implement the strategies in your life.

What benefits will I receive from this course?

●     You’ll learn why releasing the past is difficult and what you can do to make it easier for yourself.

●     You’ll learn the emotional, mental, and physical causes of your pain. 

●     You’ll discover misconceptions about forgiveness.

●     You'll receive specific strategies and exercises to assist you in letting go of your pain and moving forward toward the life you want.

Is there a particular audience this course is geared toward?

This course is geared toward those who are tired of hurting from broken relationships, betrayals, and loss and are ready to take action to release that pain.


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